Author Archives: Roger
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- “God’s Incredible Angels” – the entire study
- Categories :The Spirit World
- Tag :angels, God’s Incredible Angels
- “Basics About The Blessed Book”
- Categories :Doctrines
- Tag :doctrine, earth, foundation, fulfillment, God's Word, Heaven, inspiration, Jesus, longevity, majesty, mastery, Matt.24:35, message, method, mode, mysteriousness, ridicule, test of time, the Bible
- Why Did He Do It?
- Categories :Easter
- Tag :1Pe. 3:15-17, a good conscience, Adam and Eve, blood, bulls, faith, fear, forebearance of God, goats, God, Heb.10:1-10, humanity, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Jn.3:16, law, meekness, Mount Vernon Washington, Noah, our Lodr’s return, perfection, propitiation, public square, redeem, redemption, righteousness, Rom.3:19-26, sacrifice, sanctified, sanctify, Scripture, Seth, sin, sinners, Sunday morning, temporal, the Lord God, The Lord Jesus Christ, the Old Testament, the will of God, theology
- “Just For Pilgrims And Others”(part#2)
- Categories :Devotional
- Tag :agape, Father, foreverlove, God, Jn.3:1, spot light
- “Just For Pilgrims And Others”(Part#1)
- Categories :Devotional
- Tag :.IJn.2:3, absolutes, accepting Christ, Adrian Rogers, eternal life, eternal security, glorify God, God, Icor.6:19-20, Lu.21:33, maatt.24:35, MK.13:31, philosophy, Pilgrims, priviledge, psychologists, religion, Rom.10:13, sailboat, the common plague of our times, the name of the Lord, weal at heart, weird ducks, what do I do while I am here, what will happen to me when life is over, why you were born, wimps
- Is it true Jesus never addressed same-sex marriage?
- Categories :Defence Of Divine Biblical Matters: "apologetics"
- Tag :adultery, amazing grace, Danny Akin, God, homosexual behavior as sinfuf, immorality, issues of the heart, Jesus, Jesus out to eradicate, Jesus was committed to heterosexual marriage, John8, Mark 7, mark 721-22, Matt.19:4-6, Matthew 11:28, NC, one flesh, sexual immorality, sisn of the heart, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, the heterosexual sinner and the homosexual sinner, the institution of marriage, Wake Forest, what did Jesus say about sex, Word of God
- Can Others Read It Through Us?
- Categories :Poems
- Tag :anxiety, bills, despair, faith, God, health, mental pain, mood, pray, Prov.3:5-6, Richard Ellis, trust, Worry
- The Book Of Life As It Effects Babies, The Mentally Challenged, And the Rest Of Us
- Categories :Doctrines
- Tag :authorative, babies, book of life, doctrine, God's Word, the mentally challenged
- The Biblical Influence Upon Our National And State Constituations
- Categories :Patriotic
- Tag :Biblical influence, civilization, constituations, government
- “A Spiritual Explosion Is Still Possible”
- Categories :Devotional
- Tag :Adrian Rogers, devil, explosion, faithful, glory of God, Henry Blackaby, local congregations, Lu.16:11, power of God, pray, revival, Spiritual