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  • Heaven Is More Than A Dream!

       Copy of New Jerusalem#2 “I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2
    Do you believe that there is a home in heaven waiting for you? There is! Because Jesus cannot lie. He is Truth incarnate. He always told the truth. He said, “If it were not so, I would have told you.”
    Jesus would not let the hope of heaven go on beating in your heart if it were simply a lie, a superstition, or a fond delusion. Heaven is not merely a state of mind. It is not a condition. It is a place so real that Jesus is there in a literal, resurrected body. There is a body in this place called heaven. It is His resurrected body. Heaven is a place on God’s map.
    (above commentary by the late Dr. Adrian Rogers)
    For those who have accepted Christ as their personal Savior, we truly have a dream home that is far beyond the dreams of mortal man and we will not need a GPS to find it because a personal escort awaits us on the other side!